
The history of Horsell Village is lost in the mists of time but the area was a very active Neolithic site and by the Bronze age there are indications that Horsell was an early centre of civilisations. So far no barrows or stone circles have been found on the site but the village hall has an interesting history. It is closely linked with the local 14th century church on the hill and the hall’s charitable status is embodied in a document derived from a lease dated August 29th 1641 (Charles I).

The first mention about plans for the hall was in the Parish Magazine of 1903. In the same year the vicar, the Rev. Norman Pares, acquired the field and after fund raising by the villagers building started in 1906. The hall was opened on 2nd November 1907 by the Bishop of Dorking as Horsell Parish Hall. The architect was Mr. J.B.Drower and two local builders were involved, resulting in an over spend of £500 which had to be met by an overdraft. The final cost was £2,084-18-8d, which included fittings and furniture.

Initially the hall was managed by a group of Trustees appointed by Rev. Pares but in 1937 responsibility passed to the Parochial Church Council. On the 5th August 2004 the Charity Commission approved the change to Horsell Village Hall, with the responsibility in the hands of the village community. The hall is now managed by up to eight trustees: three appointed by Horsell WI, Horsell Residents' Association and Horsell Parochial Church Council and the remainder elected.

In 2014 a major upgrading of the hall was undertaken by the Trustees in conjunction with Woking Borough Council which resulted in expansion of the back of the hall, a much larger car parking facility, creation of a larger and more convenient kitchen and landscaping on the surrounding area. The trustees are now confident that they now represent a very good value for a very wide range of local community activities. The site is subject to continuing development in conjunction with the Local Council and your comments are welcomed by the Trustees who would like the maximum support in future.